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King Nezz

CRank: 5Score: 4560

Come on, man. That's not entirely fair. They are saying black lives matter. I don't see it as them saying only black lives matter. All I see is they are saying it to mean that black lives are important like all other lives. Sure, there are black people that think they are more important than other races. But all races have people that think like that. When I see them saying that black lives are the only ones that matter, I too would have an issue with BLM.

1449d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I see. And what gets done? Nothing. He comes off as someone hurt and bothered because of what is happening with diversifying Hollywood and TV in general. I will admit that sometimes it's too much. But it's something that includes everyone (Ghost in the Shell). Talk with your money and your time. Don't watch these programs. Tell your friends and family to avoid it too. The directors and producers will get the hint over time.

1785d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

On no! People of color! Run!

I couldn't care less who they had as actors. It could be a one-legged man named Duffy Rummers. As long as it is good, I would watch. Maybe. Idiots like you draw attention on the subject. If the actors are too brown, black, yellow, too butch or too "gay" or whatever, don't watch.

1786d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thank you, thank you thank you. Nolan's Batman movies were glorified action movies. As sad as this is to say, the only reason Joker has this popularity is because Heath Ledger died. Movies are incredibly overrated.

1834d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

How popular would this franchise be if Kate Beckinsale wore sweatpants instead of leather? Just curious.

2811d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment